Published in Journal of Gökova Geometry Topology, Volume 14 (2020)
Title Finite group actions on symplectic Calabi-Yau 4-manifolds with \(b_1>0\)
Author Weimin Chen
This is the first of a series of papers devoted to the topology of symplectic Calabi-Yau 4-manifolds endowed with certain symplectic finite group actions. We completely determine the fixed-point set structure of a finite cyclic action on a symplectic Calabi-Yau 4-manifold with \(b_1>0\). As an outcome of this fixed-point set analysis, the 4-manifold is shown to be a \(T^2\)-bundle over \(T^2\) in some circumstances, e.g., in the case where the group action is an involution which fixes a 2-dimensional surface in the 4-manifold. Our project on symplectic Calabi-Yau 4-manifolds is based on an analysis of the existence and classification of disjoint embeddings of certain configurations of symplectic surfaces in a rational 4-manifold. This paper lays the ground work for such an analysis at the homological level. Some other result which is of independent interest, concerning the maximal number of disjointly embedded symplectic (-2)-spheres in a rational 4-manifold, is also obtained.
Keywords Four-manifolds, smooth structures, finite group actions, fixed-point set structures, orbifolds, symplectic resolution, symplectic Calabi-Yau, configurations of symplectic surfaces, rational 4-manifolds, branched coverings, pseudo-holomorphic curves.
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Submitted: Aug 9, 2020
Accepted: Nov 1, 2020
 2020 Journal main page

Last updated: December 2020
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